Sunday, April 1, 2012

i love you because you gave me sausage and cheese when i was hungry

welcome, dear reader, to my blog. there is no real rhyme or reason why i have a fancy new blog, but something about it just felt right.

for about seven years i had a xanga which actually still exists somewhere out in the interweb. i started it when i was thirteen because everyone else had one and i felt left out. that xanga page has chronicled my middle school and high school years, a little blurb of my college life, boyfriends, accomplishments and defeats, health problems, etc., i've thought about posting on there again recently but something about it didn't make sense to me. it felt like taking a step backwards and, at this point, moving backwards isn't an option.

over the few months, i've been on an intense and exhausting journey. it started on a long, hard train ride to philadelphia at midnight and i don't know when i can say this journey will be done. this blog, i guess, is my attempt to chronicle my life from where i am now to where i'm going. the next steps in the journey of self-discovery. my next step is to connect. connect with people, earth, air, water and trees.

the title of this blog and this post come from the song "earth air water trees" by the mountain goats. it's kind of silly and simple and sweet but something about it sticks with me. do i love anyone because they gave me sausage and cheese when i was hungry? no, but i love music. methinks that will be a recurring theme on this blog...

"take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. you will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body."
- oliver wendell holmes

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